How to stop stressing #STRESSFREE

October 26, 2017

In this busy world of work, school and social life, it can be hard to balance yourself out. I, myself, often find that I am stressing over silly things which makes me ill like I have been for the past week. This isn't good and I'm sure many of you feel like this too which is why I've made my list of top 5 things you can do to stop stressing and relax more!

Write a list
When I am stressed out, I prefer to write lists over storing it all in my head. The list can have an infinite amount of points but to relieve stress, you must find the cause so writing out everything stressful or that worries you can help to pinpoint the issue so you can sort it.

Don't bottle it up
Talking to someone is another really good way to stop stressing. A problem shared is a problem halved so talking things through with a trusted friend or family member can help because it lets you vent your feelings, find out their opinion and opens up the opportunity to solve it together.You may also find it brings a lot of laughter too! You cant let them solve it for you but they can help you.

I really enjoy exercise so much so that when I'm stressed I like to go for a run or do yoga/gymnastics because it allows you to think to yourself, clear your head and it can reduce some of the emotional intensity that you're feeling.

Having some you time

Being alone can be a good thing sometimes; it allows you to do the things you want and also lets you enjoy them in peace. By reading a book, shopping or doing your own favourite thing lets you relax and also can make you forget about why you're stressed. We all need a bit of time to ourselves to relax.

Say no
If you're stressed, worried about a task or cant fit it in, say no to it. It will put you under more pressure and stress if you say yes to every favour, deadline, and opportunity available to you as you won't have any time for other things which isn't healthy. Obviously, some things you must say yes to like your dream job or a life-changing opportunity and it may put you under stress but that will pass and you'll be left with a good thing but the minor things that will take up too much time? Arent worth stressing over so say no.

I hope these 5 stress relieving ways can help you to become a more relaxed person!

Thank you for reading and lots of love

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