5 Reasons Why it's Important to Stop Stressing! #STRESSFREE

November 04, 2017

There are many reasons people stress. Sometimes it can be a good thing, motivating you to do the things you need rather than procrastinating but there are way more reasons why you shouldn't be stressing. Here are 5 reasons why you should really stop stressing!

You will look younger

Stress can significantly lead to premature aging says researchers at the University of California who have discovered that stress shortens telomeres — structures on the end of chromosomes — so that new cells can’t grow as quickly.This leads to premature signs of aging such as wrinkles, weak muscles, poor eyesight, and more. The less you stress the younger you will look and for longer! stressing can also shorten your lifespan and make you look more tired.

You'll have a greater control over your emotions

When you stress, it is a lot easier for you to lose control and break down at times or snap at people. By stressing less using the techniques I suggested here, you can have greater control and it may even make you a stronger person. Over 50% of those who have emotional disorders have found that it is related to untreated or chronic stress disorders so stress less!

You will be healthier

When you are stressed, you are more likely to engage in behaviour such as smoking, drug or alcohol use, over or under eating and exercising less. This can all lead to things like obesity, mental illnesses, and physical illnesses as well as other unnatural symptoms caused by this behaviour.  By relaxing more, you can get into a routine and will find you are eating better, exercising more and not being under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

You'll have better relationships

When you are stressed, you tend to ignore relationships or are too busy working on the things you are stressed about to continue building your relationships. By stressing less would mean that you're less irritable and communicate better which is better for any type of relationship and means no one is neglected. 

You will get better sleep

Stress can keep you up at night which reduces the quality and duration of your sleep. This can lead to tiredness, more illnesses as your immune system isn't completely with it and more stress as you'll be stressing about your lack of sleep. By stressing less means that you can sleep easily, have longer to sleep because you have fewer tasks to complete and you'll have a better quality of sleep because nothing is making you toss or turn! Sleep is very important for the body so by sleeping more as you don't stress as much means that you can be healthier, happier and up for your day!

Here are a few of many reasons why you should stop stressing. This will be part of a new series called #STRESSFREE which will feature many tips and tricks on conquering stress. Thank you so much for reading, don't forget to share!

Lots of love

Sources and references*:
*These are my own words but facts and figures come from the sources below to make this content accurate. This aren't all my facts so the figures belong to the respectful owners and no copyright is intended.

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